It’s a while since I scribbled
some thoughts down on my blog, in fact it was last year (which makes it sound a
lot longer ago than it actually was of course!). And whilst you might think
that someone recovering from an injury would have plenty of free time to spend
writing, I’ve managed to be ridiculously busy and not have a free moment for
ages…this is clearly a sign that life is returning to some kind of “normal”…well,
“Normal for me” anyway!
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Normal life is (starting to be) resumed! (Photo: Claire Bennett) |
I’m now 12 weeks post-shoulder
surgery and pleased to report that thanks to religiously sticking to my
gruelling daily rehab schedule (the reason for a large proportion of my time
being taken up every day!), things are progressing well on the shoulder front.
I was told by my surgeon and physio initially that 12 weeks was the absolute
minimum before I could start skiing, swimming, mountain biking and climbing,
but thanks to all the hard work I’ve put in, got the go-ahead to do most of
these a few weeks ago, which obviously made me a VERY happy person!
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It might not be much but that little muscle represents a LOT of hours work! |
I can still
be found every morning in the gym, building up strength and dynamic stability,
but being able to start doing the things that make me “Me” has given me a huge
boost of motivation and sense of feeling like there is a light at the end of
the tunnel again! It has certainly not been the easiest 4 months, and there have been plenty of low moments, a lot of pain, frustration, and anxiety, as well as serious amounts of effort to stick with the pretty tough and strict rehab program...but it's starting to feel like it's been worth it...I may even end up stronger than I was before I got that would be a bonus!!
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YES!!! More of this now please! |
To most people who didn’t know I’d
had surgery, it would probably seem now like there is nothing wrong with my arm
at all…I can function fine in an every day sense. But I know it’s not quite
there yet. It will be several more months before I don’t notice my shoulder at
all or start doing things without worrying about how I’m doing them and whether
I can or not…this will be the acid test that it is completely recovered I guess!
It still feels “weird” compared to the other one…not painful, but like it’s not
quite fully part of me, and I definitely don’t fully trust it just yet! This probably sounds really strange but it’s
hard to describe the exact feeling! Partly it’s just that there’s a difference
in strength between the two arms so until that’s balanced out it’s going to
feel a little bit weird.
So, aside from all the time in the gym, what have I been up to that’s
kept me so busy?!
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Some of last year's highlights... |
Well November is normally a month
I’d spend away on adventures, my mind needs to be occupied with positive
thoughts and memories in this month where there are a lot of very sad and also
traumatic ones which dominate my mind. But that couldn’t happen this year due
to my pesky shoulder. I’d also normally have some time post-summer season where
I’d take some time to be on my own…and I hadn’t been able to have any of that
since my injury either! I couldn’t have got through the last few months without
my wonderful mum and dad looking after me, and I’m very grateful to all those
friends who’ve been there to cheer me up through the painful, boring, and very
low points I’ve had since the op….but I’m a person who needs alone time too.
Time in the mountains to sit and think....(Photo: Leanne Callaghan) |
I spend most of my time working
with and surrounded by people, and I love that. For the most part it means I
only have small amounts of time to myself and not enough to feel lonely, just
enough to enjoy being alone. In actual fact, whilst it might not sound like
this makes sense, the times I have often felt most lonely since Gareth died are
when I’m in big groups of people. I think when I’m alone there is less noise in
my head, less distraction to my thoughts, and I can clearly remember the sound
of Gareth’s voice, the things he said, think about moments and memories shared
and special times and places that meant something only to the two of us.
Climbing Lake District Ice |
I can
imagine him with me and how safe and comforting it felt to have him there…just
his presence provided me with a confidence that has been hard to explain and re-discover
without him. The knowledge that he would be there to support me through
anything made me feel stronger, to know he had my back and I his. So it’s good
to spend a bit of time alone with my own thoughts, thinking and remembering….
Gareth on a perfect winter's day near Loch Etchacan, Cairngorms |
Between Christmas and New Year is
always a time when Gareth and I would go away together…usually to Scotland,
always to the hills. Christmas is not an easy time of year for anyone who has
lost a loved one…and it’s hard to share some peoples enthusiasm for it sometimes…
It can feel a very lonely time if
you aren’t in a relationship and don’t make plans to keep yourself busy...
everything is geared towards doing things as a couple…or at least it can feel
that way if you spend too long watching romantic themed films on tv, watching
the seasonal adverts, and looking in shop windows. It’s not something I ever
noticed when Gareth was around, and I doubt any of my friends who are in stable
relationships will either…but it’s a time of year when you can feel very aware
of being single if you are, and also at a time focused on celebrating loved
ones, it can be a cruel reminder of all that you have lost, and happier times
in years gone by.
Anyway, for these reasons, after
a lovely quiet Christmas with my family, I decided to plan a mini roadtrip for
that strange time between Christmas and New Year.
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Emma, Inver and I on a windy walk up the Cobbler in the middle of storm Frank |
It was great, just what I needed,
but I somehow managed to plot a roadtrip that basically headed wherever Storm Frank
was wreaking havoc! From windy wet Munros and Corbetts in the NorthWest
Highlands, to trying to reach a very soggy Tweed Valley, to then heading back
into the eye of the next storm in the Cairngorms…I couldn’t have found worse
weather if I’d tried!
Despite this I had a great time…It
was my first taste of being able to do things for myself again and have some
freedom! I spent a fun New Year with good friends, drank far too much prosecco
and danced for far longer with some glowsticks than my shoulder could really
take. Ticked off a couple of big walks, and started off the new year with some
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Not a bad view walking down from Creag Meageadh |
I then met up with my sister
Steph over in Newtonmore for a couple of days. Again the weather was pretty
grim with storm force winds up high. But we managed to tick off a couple of Munros
in the Monadhleith mountains, as well as a cold and windy ride and a walk up
onto Creag Meageadh.
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Steph on a wintery looking Munro |
Not long after getting back from
Scotland, I flew out to Chamonix for a taste of proper winter!
Good friends Jim and Alison had
kindly offered some time staying with them so I could have a change of scenery
and some time in the mountains, and I gladly took them up on the offer! It was
like my own cold weather training camp week!
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Daily uphill training...there are worse views to train to! |
I quickly found a routine of skinning
(ski touring) up the hill each day (the first day nearly killed me but
fortunately it got easier as I got fitter!), very carefully skiing down (no
falling allowed!), followed by coffee and a croissant (obligatory when in
France), then a few kilometres of swimming and gym exercises at the leisure
centre each afternoon, and time spent catching up and chilling out with Jim and
Ali in the evenings.
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Smiling because we're at the top! (Photo: James Thacker) |
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Beautiful clouds above the Aiguille du Midi |
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Sunshine, snow and Mont Blanc...all good for the soul! |
Since getting back I've been found in the gym for several hours each morning, along with spinning, swimming or running
each day, as well as being back on my mountain bike! It’s so good to get muddy
and fly down some trails (very carefully of course!), and I can’t wait for
more. Having enforced time off due to injury has certainly reminded me of how
much I love being outdoors, on my bike, or skiing, or climbing, just being active
in beautiful places, and of how important those things are to me. I feel
re-energised and motivated and excited about getting out and doing things
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Muddy legs and big smiles! |
I’ve started making some Big
plans for this year now everything is starting to fall back into place slowly
but surely! It promises to be an exciting year ahead…watch this space!